In Customer Service, Telecom Pitfalls, Telecom Solutions

Admit it, we all gawk at car accidents! Just the same, most people love to hear horror stories about how businesses have failed, erred, or gotten off track! Here are some of our favorite telecom service “horror stories” that we’ve gathered from our real-life and around the web.

Black Hole Email. One customer who we worked with many years ago called us, frustrated that interoffice emails were disappearing into a black hole! When we explored, we found out that the network was routing these through a very complicated process that never ended in delivery—causing thousands of dollars of leads to be lost! Fortunately, we were able to simplify this network and get the information back where it needed to go.

Provider Wars. This challenge has been the bane of many of our client’s existence: Which internet and phone provider is really the best? The truth is, they are all decent, and the important thing is to match your needs with their services. However, while this is your goal, the goal of the provider is always to match your money with their services! Thankfully, when you consult with a third-party telecom service advisor, you can trust that your interests are king—not earnings for another company.

Slow Cash Flow. Many customers that we have worked with in the past are start-up companies, and do not have a lot of free cash. When considering pricy networking and telecom solutions, this can be a real barrier that can make you less competitive. To get an edge on bigger companies in NJ, we offer the option to lease or finance some of our most popular products, giving you the chance to grow your telecom solutions alongside your revenues.

Data Disasters. We’ve heard stories of businesses losing hundreds of thousands of dollars after their local storage failed—even major organizations such as hospitals and government agencies. How protected is your data? Does this include protection from fires, floods, or other natural disasters? With cloud storage, you can feel confident that your data is safe—and that your leads and information are not being stolen, damaged, destroyed, or lost.

Want to avoid these pitfalls and more? Consult with an expert in telecom services. SmartCom Solutions has worked in the telecom industry for decades, and brings you this experience alongside our outstanding customer service. If you have networking or telecom needs in NJ, let SmartCom help!

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